Question of the Month: I don’t have an experienced salesperson on staff. How can I grow my business?
by Shannon F. Many of our clients are small business owners and managers who already have too many responsibilities. How can they find the time and resources to drive business growth? We came up with a list of suggestions for business owners who want to find more customers without making the leap to hiring a full-time salesperson. While we broke these suggestions down by job title, anybody can pitch in where needed – that’s the beauty of our simple sales and marketing strategy. Intern: A summer sales intern can help develop your online presence, update your records, and reach out to prospects. Below are some business development tasks that interns can assist with: • Have your intern go through a leads list and connect with prospects on social media platforms (like Linkedin) on your behalf, offering them something for free like a whitepaper or webinar invitation. • Your intern can go through and confirm/update prospect email addresses, then send out an email campaign with information about your service. Administrative Assistant: Build several hours of business development tasks into your administrative person’s weekly schedule. Administrative assistants and receptionists already have phone skills, so it shouldn’t be hard to transition them to “soft selling.” • Have your administrative assistant go through a leads list and make introductory calls while sending corresponding emails. It’s easy to do this from a prospect management program like InsightPRM, and the calls only have to be a few seconds long: “Hi Jim, I […]