Sales Resolutions You Should Make in 2014
by Shannon F.
The InsightPRM team is committed to self-improvement in the coming year. While we don’t plan to limit our junk food intake or hit the gym more frequently, we do want to do an even better job of helping our customers achieve their sales goals. To start, here’s a list of resolutions we think you should make in 2014 (we’re bossy like that). Feel free to tell us your suggestions for resolutions WE should make.
1. Refresh your knowledge of your industry. Don’t go around quoting last year’s facts and figures. Dig up some surprising new insight, like a famous success story or a study indicating that a change may be necessary for your customers. Sharing bold new facts will give you a burst of energy and confidence in your product.
Here’s why you need to be an expert.
2. Put a new spin on tired old content, like email templates and call scripts. Try out new attention-getting subject lines or different ways of reaching out to tough prospects you weren’t able to sign in the past. Changing up your approach can be a surprisingly easy way to drive more sales in the New Year.
Need to write an amazing sales email?
3. Find more time for calls. Even in an increasingly digital world, old-fashioned phone calls are still the backbone of B2B sales. Making cold calls and follow-up calls is time-consuming, which is why most salespeople don’t do it consistently. Make it your priority to squeeze more dials into your busy day. It may be a matter of spending less time on a tactic that isn’t working as well, or even outsourcing calls to an appointment setter.
By the way, here’s how to leave a better voicemail.
4. Be social. (There’s more than one way to do it.) Whether you plan to join a professional association, bond more with clients and prospects, or volunteer in your community, make an effort to expand your social network a few times a month. You might prefer to curl up with a good book or Netflix original series after a hard day at work, but reaching out to new people outside of the office is good for you and good for business. And who said you have to get out there and shake hands in person? Becoming more active on Linkedin is also a worthy goal.
Bonus tip: get better at asking for referrals!
5. Enjoy your life. Taking time to cultivate a variety of interests ultimately makes you a better salesperson. Why? Because you’ll be able to relate to your clients and prospects, you’ll be a better conversationalist, and you’ll be mentally healthier. So make time to watch the game, catch the hot movie of the season, brew your own beer, raise alpacas – whatever makes you happy in 2014.
Happy New Year from everyone at InsightPRM and the Wendover Corporation!